RentalBot is a directory of Vacation Rentals you can rent direct from the owner. Owners can add their Vacation Rental to RentalBot's index for FREE as a link to some existing web page where their property is already listed. This drives more traffic to wherever you are already advertising.
Owners wishing to raise their visibility in RentalBot's search results may upgrade to a Featured Listing. Featured Listings enjoy premium placement in our search results, a thumbnail picture and availability calendar:
All listings, including our FREE Basic Listings, include an Availability Calendar that can be embedded as an inline image on any other website you choose! For example, after you create your listing on RentalBot, just add the following HTML tag to any other website's page:
<IMG SRC="http://www.rentalbot.com/servlet/com.rentalbot.image.ImageServlet/?property_id=YourRentalBotPropertyID"/>
This HTML image tag will then render your availability calendar similar to this one:
View the complete set of calendar parameters.
What's a Basic Listing?
A Basic Listing is a FREE listing on RentalBot. Basic Listings display after Featured Listings but are otherwise ranked according to "Best Match" according to whatever features the renter is searching for.
What's a Featured Listing?
Featured Listings show up at the top of search results, ahead of Basic Listings, but are otherwise ranked according to "Best Match" according to whatever features the renter is searching for. On the search results page, these listings are showcased with a thumbnail picture and a thumbnail calendar.
What's RentalBot Property Management?
RentalBot Property Management is a suite of features designed specifically for the rent-it-yourself vacation rental owner. RentalBot offers an unparalleled array of Property Management Features to help you keep up with who's rented what week, for how much, and whether they've paid you or not. RentalBot can even send you a reminder when payments are due. Renter Contact Management not only helps you keep up with key contact information for your renters and inquirers, but with one form, you can send them each a private email message! Take our Tour to see some screenshots...
How much does it cost?
RentalBot Basic Listings are FREE! Not free for a month. Not free for a year. But free forever. All RentalBot listings include a free availability calendar that you are free to embed within any other webpage in the world.
Sign up today for your free Basic Listing and we'll give you access to RentalBot Property Management free for 60 days.
Product |
Annual Fee per property |
Featured Listing |
$35.00/year |
Property Management (Includes a Featured Listing) |
$79.00/year |
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