RentalBot offer vacation rental property owners an unparalleled array of Property Management features including detailed availability calendar, renter contact lists, payment tracking, reminders, and much more. |
Listed below are the services RentalBot provides to owners: |
Payment Tracking |
Keeps up with who has rented, for what amount, and when they paid you |
Lets you enter in payments such as "Deposit" & "Remaining Balance" along with the date they are due, and automatically sends you an email to remind you to make sure they've paid you what they're supposed to have paid you by that date |
Reservation & Confirmation Management |
Record inquiries along with "inquiry source" (e.g. Newspaper, Friend,, MyWebsite, etc.) |
Automatically convert inquiries to reservations |
Send renters an optional confirmation email that automatically includes their reservation details along with your standard reservation-confirmation text |
Renter/Inquirer Contact Management |
Your own private contact list of everyone that's ever inquired or rented from you |
Send everyone an email by filling out one form |
Recipients are sent individual emails so they don't see it as a mass-mailing |
Choose to send to "Everyone", "Inquirers Only", "Renters Only", "Past Renters", or "Future Renters" |
Availability Calendar |
Shows prospective renters the dates that are still available |
The internet's only embeddable calendar you can display on any other webpage in the world as an embeddable inline availability calendar image |
Shows you the actual name of who has it rented, along with the total rental amount and payment breakdown |
Color-coded so you can see at a glance who's paid some, who's paid all, and who's not paid at all |
Owner's Dashboard |
Lets you see all relevant statistics related to your property to answer the questions: |
What are my revenues? For the year? By month? |
What is my % occupancy? For the year? By month? |
On average, how many days in advance are people booking? |
Where are my inquiries coming from? |
Where are my rentals coming from? |
Where sources are most effective at turning inquiries into rentals? |