RentalBot is a Directory of Vacation Rentals you can rent direct from the owner. |
Vacation Rentals Basic and Featured Listings |
RentalBot offers owners Basic Listings for FREE and Featured Listings for $35/year (prorated). Both Vacation Rentals Basic and Featured Listings include a FREE Availability Calendar that owners can embed in any other webpage in the world as an inline image like this one: |
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Vacation Rentals Property Management Features |
RentalBot also offers a suite of Property Management features that gives you a more detailed availability calendar to help keep up with who's rented what week, for how much, and whether they've paid you or not. RentalBot can even send you an email reminder when deposits & balances are due. Renter Contact Management lets you send all your renters private email with just one form. Here's a screenshot of our Owner's Dashboard or take our tour to to see more screenshots. |
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About RentalBotTM |
RentalBot is a Directory of Vacation Rentals you can rent direct from the owner.
RentalBot also offers Vacation Rental owners an unparalleled array of Property Management Features including an availability calendar, payment tracking, renter contact management, inquiry management, and integration to rentors.org.
Take a Tour to learn more. |